Month: June 2022

Stand up (History of NZ Protests) Activity #1

This week my reading group has been reading about NZ history of protest. We had to read the book online and got to pick 2 activities along with the book. This is my first activity about comprehension questions. Which is basically me answering questions about the book. I really found it interesting about looking back at NZ protests. I also really enjoyed learning about this topic as well. Hope you ENJOY!

Should animals be kept in zoos?

This is my reading task for the week. I had to read a book and discus whether I agree with the statement or not. The statement was animals should be kept in zoos. I disagree with this statement because I believe animals should have freedom.My group also had to do a debate on this topic. What do you think about the statement?

Information report-Hippos

This is my information report on Hippos. As usual I had to research about the animal and focus on 3 topics. I have really enjoyed researching about Hippos because I got to learn new things. I hope that you learn something from this just like I did. ENJOY!

Did you know that hippo’s are almost bulletproof? They can also open their mouths up to 150 degrees. In this information report I will be talking about 3 topics. Which are their habitat/diet,their family life/conservation and facts. I hope that by the end of this piece, you learn something about this animal.

First up their habitat and diet. Hippo’s are herbivores. Which means they only eat things like grass,vegetables and melons sometimes.They can eat up to 88 pounds per night! Hippo’s are native to Africa, and are all over Sub Saharan Africa. In Africa you can find Hippos in slow moving lakes and rivers.

Up next is their family life and conservation. Hippo’s hang out in groups that consist of 10-30 Hippo’s. However the groups can go up to 200 Hippos.There is always 1 dominant male in the group. Hippos’ gestation period is 8 months. Which is just 1 month less from humans. The months they give birth the most are the wettest. The conservation status of Hippos are vulnerable and endangered. The 2 types of Hippos are the common and the Pygmy Hippos.

Now finally some facts. The name Hippo comes from the Greek name of Water Horse. These animals can also reach up to 19 miles per hour. Male Hippos weigh up to 4000 pounds, while the baby’s only reach up to 100 pounds or less. Did you know that Hippos are actually not good swimmers? In fact they can only spend up to 5 minutes underwater. They are also the 2nd largest land animal, and the 3rd heaviest.

So in conclusion Hippos are some pretty fascinating animals. From their habitat to even their family life, Hippos are interesting. I hope that by the end of this information report that you have learnt something new.

Extension Term 2 Project -History/Brainstorms

This is my extension project I will be working on this term. For this term we looked into the history of  NZ. We also had to choose topics to film a movie. My group is Kiarah,Elijah and Leonidas. For our movie we will be focusing on transportation and resources. The reason why we picked transportation was because back then NZ would of had many different types of transportation then we do how. One of the main ones being transporting on a waka. We also picked resources because the resources people would’ve had back in the days would have been way different to what we have now.