What is the project?
For this term my Social Studies class will be doing a project. There have been 2 groups that we can be in. One is the Rain Garden group. Where they will be planting trees and stuff around where the river pipe is at in our school. Also near where the creek is. This is not only to make our area look more beautiful. However to also spread a message to those in our community to take care of our area.
How is my project going? What have I m done so far?
For the Environment Group which I am in. So far the project is going pretty good. We have counted all the bins in our school. Also sorting them out whether its recycling,waste or food bins. This was too see if we needed more or not. Also spoke about littering at our school. Have made a website to promote our group. So more people who are interested can get involved with us as well.
What am I excited for next with my project?
I am excited to see where everything goes. Like with how the end result will be with not only the Environment group. However also with the Rain Garden. Excited to see if there will be any new people or if the group will expand. To see the scenery once all the things have been planted.