Tag: Memories

Term 3 Reflection!

Can’t believe Term 3 is already over. Now this Term has been jam pack with awesome things. From sports to events that have happened.This term has definitely topped last term. I’m really excited to share my top highlights/memories from this term.Also I’ve been a year 8 for 3 TERMS!

Now I’m going to get this one out of the way first. SPORTS! I have been in 3 sports this term. Which is Netball,Basketball and League. There have also been some crazy tournaments as well.Like last time I’m going to be talking about these sports individually.

First up Basketball. Basketball was early in the term. It was actually my first time doing basketball. Same as most of my team. The team I was in consisted of Kiarah,Lesieli,Nora,Naomi,Luka,Matelita,Kamryn,Queenie and Atawhai. We were coached by Miss Timmi and had some support from Miss Tipene. We ended up coming 5th, but I was still very happy with that. 

Next up League. My league team was pretty much our union team. Although we had never done league before we still did very well. We ended up coming second in eastern. Which got us into Auckland Champs. Over there we ended up coming 5th. I did really enjoy playing with this team even through our hardships. My team included of Kiarah,Lesieli,Mariko,Ema,Fifita,Karoline,Queenie,Khalia,Melemanu,Emeline,Cherish,Lynch and Mateita (Sorry to those I forgot). We were also coached by Miss Timmi once again and had help from Tyson. 

Now last Netball. This year Netball has been a BLAST for me. I got MVP for my team for prizegiving. Also my team ended up coming 5th in our pool. However we also got to compete in some amazing tournaments. Such as the Eastern Zone where we came 2nd in.  We also got into Auckland Champs and came 12th. Which honestly wasn’t that bad since it was our first time. I am so thankful for the group of girls I ave played with this year. I’m going to miss playing with yous.We also got to compete in the Mixed Tournament in Week 10. My team came in second just loosing by 2 to Sylvia Park. That game was tough. In that team involved Roman,Bronson,Exodus,Petero,Luka,Kiarah,Cherish,Naomi,Kamryn and Ema. So proud of both teams I was in. 

We have also had some events that have happened. First one being CROSS COUNTRY. We hadn’t done Cross Country in 2 years so it was a huge deal to do it this year. At first I wasn’t excited, but in the end I’m glad I did it. We also had our school Art Expo. Which showcased all the things the school had been preparing. My favourite one would have to be the Team 4 Rappers. They had some funny lyrics and a good message overall about not bullying.

We have also had some special assemblies. Since there have been a lot of things happening. Such as language weeks. I was apart of Tongan Language Week. That assembly was probably my favourite. The performances were awesome. The final assembly for the term was also coo. Seeing the highlights were pretty cool to. I am so grateful for the team that I have worked with. They will always have some of my best memories. 

Tech is another thing that has happened. We switched classes midway through the term. I am in Mr Grundy’s Class. Which is Hard Materials. We have been making necklaces. Right now my one is up to the sanding stage. I am also making a knife,which I plan on giving to my uncle. 

Lastly having Mrs Stone back has been so fun. I have really enjoyed having her back. She has taught me new things in a fun way.Also having Miss Georgia who is our student teacher. She was done some pretty cool lesson with us. One of them being with raro! I can’t wait to see what Mrs Stone has in next for term 4.

So there you have it. My memories/highlights for this term. I am honestly really bummed out that the term has came to an end. I am still in disbelief that I have 1 more term until I go. I’m honestly not ready to go, but I am ready for the memories I make next term. It doesn’t feel real to me yet that I have 1 more term. Anyways I am really excited to see what is there to come in my last ever term at PES, I hope that it tops every single one of these terms.

Term 2 Reflection!

There’s NO WAY I’m already half way through the year. Also Term 2 is now OVER! It feels like time is going past really fast. Anyway I’m so glad many things happened this term. Since we were in Orange light. Things like Year 8 Camp,Sports and much more.Now here are my top highlights/memories from this awesome term. Also I’ve been a Year 8 FOR HALF A YEAR!

Obviously one of my top highlights/memories is Year 8 Camp. Since I already did a whole reflection on that here’s a quick summary. Year 8 Camp was a blast. At first I didn’t think it would happen, but we got there. Playing in the huge Rec Centre was awesome and the Camp Concert was the best. Also the late nights my cabin had were just fun and just having a great time with my friends as well.I hope that next year the new Year 8’s have a blast. 

Next up sport. We finally got to play some sports this term. We even had 3 Tournaments. The sports we got to play this term were Netball,Rugby Union and Volleyball. I had a great time playing these sports. Considering if I write this all in 1 this paragraph it would be big ,so we’ll be talking about them separately. 

First up Netball. I am so thankful that Netball has happened this term. It is actually my 8th year playing. So I’ve been playing since year 1.Same as last year my team is called the Chiefs. It is coached by Mr Moran and Miss Takarei. Along with Velian as our Manager. My team this year include Ema,Kiarah,Luka,Matelita,Kamryn,Cherish and Latiana. We’ve honestly been going good. I can’t wait to play more netball with these girls next term and crush the tournaments.

Up next Rugby Union. Now for rugby most of my team were new commers. However they prove to be pretty good. Oh and also the week we had our tournament we only had 1 training. The reason why was because that week we had a lot of sports going on. However despite having 1 training my team ended up coming first in the eastern zone tournament. Which means we got to go to the Interzone which was Auckland Champs. In the Auckland Champs we came fourth, but I was still really proud of my team. The amazing team I got to play with consist of Ema,Kiarah,Matelita,Cherish,Kamryn,Lesieli,Melemanu,Mariko,Legacy,Khalia,Lynch,Karoline,Meliame,Fifita and Kolotita. We were also coached by the Fantastic Miss Timmi. 

Finally Volleyball .We got to play in the Eastern Zone Volleyball Tournament. We took 2 teams. Which were the A Team and the B Team. I was in the B team along with Ema,Luka,Legacy,Khalia,Maria,Bronson,Jordan,Petero,Exodus,Rex and Toa. We were also coached by Miss Timmi. My team ended up coming first in our pool and the A team coming in second. I really had a great time because I was not only in a team with my friends, but it was also my first time competing in the tournament. 

Since thats all done with ,my next highlight/memory is the assemblies. Like my term 1 reflection the assemblies we’ve had this term have made some of my favourite memories/highlights. One assembly that stands out is when we literally did Jump Jam. Yep Mr Burt decided since it was quite cold to have Jump Jam.  We were following Mr Levi and Miss Vili’s dance moves. Also working with Kiarah,Kamryn,Aye,Petero,Roman,William and Julius has been awesome and they have also been apart of my favourite funny memories. I hope that the assemblies next term can beat the assemblies this term.

Once again we have also had some fun disco’s. Actually 3, one for kindness week which was held by the supersubs. One for being halfway through the term and one for Ukraine. These discos have made some pretty cool memories for me. I also enjoyed dancing and having a great time with my friends. 

Having Tech at Tamaki has also been awesome. Last term I was in Mr Daniels Class which was awesome. I learnt many things about technology. Now for this term I have been in Cooking, with the wonderful Mrs Hamer. We have cooked some pretty delicious things. My favourite one being the Curry with Rice. 

Now if you know my class has had another teacher come in. Shes pretty much been my teacher for a year. Her name is Miss Hall. Miss Hall has stepped into being room 4’s teacher since Mrs Stone went on maternity leave. Honestly I’m kind of sad the Miss Hall will be leaving Room 4. However she is going over the Dubai to teach over there. I just want to say to Miss Hall a HUGE THANKS for being my teacher for the past year. I am going to really miss you (minus the homework), but I hope you have a great time at Dubai.Along with your new students. Miss Hall has taught me some much through the past year. Its sad to see you go Miss Hall, however I’m sure having Mrs Stone back will be great. 

So there you have it. These are my top highlights/memories from this term. From Year 8 Camp to the awesome sports we’ve had. Term 2 has definitely topped term 1.I am still in shock that I’m halfway through the year. It’s honestly sad to think that I only have 2 terms left until I leave. However that means I get to make even more fun highlights/memories. I’m really going to miss being at school for the next 2 weeks. I hope that term 3 can top this term!