Month: October 2022

Future Aspiration

This morning we had some ex Pt England students come by and tell us there stories. They were called the “Future Aspiration”. The “Future Aspirations” were a group of 6 people. There names were Shaniah,Tyrone,David,Tanielu,Haare and Tia. They had talked to us about their journeys to what they have became. They also gave us advice and some qoutes. One that I have remembered is “Don’t let yourself become your own barrier”. Another one was “Be true to yourself”. I have learnt many things from here and have honestly been inspired. 

FAHK Sleeping Lions – Statistical Inquiry

This is our maths for the week. We had to do a statistical graph about sleep. We also had to choose 2 variables which were the amount of hours you get sleep, and we also did how your well-being might be like. Our sample was a bit small considering there was only 4 of us in the group. I enjoyed doing this.

The Sea Devil

This is my reading task fro this week. It is about a story of “the sea devil”. Who was also named Felix von Luckner. He was a criminal and had served in the army. He had also sinked 14 ships in the sea. I enjoyed doing this task and had fun. 

Sleeping Lions – Statistical Inquiry Plan

Today in maths we planned our statistical inquiry task. We also got up to making our questions up. I am in a group with Kiarah,Finau and Honey. Our 2 variables is the amount of sleep we get and our well-being. Our question for this statistical inquiry is “is there a connection between the hours of sleep we get and our well-being?”  We are also planning on doing a scale for our well-being to find out what the difference is. 


Term 3 Reflection!

Can’t believe Term 3 is already over. Now this Term has been jam pack with awesome things. From sports to events that have happened.This term has definitely topped last term. I’m really excited to share my top highlights/memories from this term.Also I’ve been a year 8 for 3 TERMS!

Now I’m going to get this one out of the way first. SPORTS! I have been in 3 sports this term. Which is Netball,Basketball and League. There have also been some crazy tournaments as well.Like last time I’m going to be talking about these sports individually.

First up Basketball. Basketball was early in the term. It was actually my first time doing basketball. Same as most of my team. The team I was in consisted of Kiarah,Lesieli,Nora,Naomi,Luka,Matelita,Kamryn,Queenie and Atawhai. We were coached by Miss Timmi and had some support from Miss Tipene. We ended up coming 5th, but I was still very happy with that. 

Next up League. My league team was pretty much our union team. Although we had never done league before we still did very well. We ended up coming second in eastern. Which got us into Auckland Champs. Over there we ended up coming 5th. I did really enjoy playing with this team even through our hardships. My team included of Kiarah,Lesieli,Mariko,Ema,Fifita,Karoline,Queenie,Khalia,Melemanu,Emeline,Cherish,Lynch and Mateita (Sorry to those I forgot). We were also coached by Miss Timmi once again and had help from Tyson. 

Now last Netball. This year Netball has been a BLAST for me. I got MVP for my team for prizegiving. Also my team ended up coming 5th in our pool. However we also got to compete in some amazing tournaments. Such as the Eastern Zone where we came 2nd in.  We also got into Auckland Champs and came 12th. Which honestly wasn’t that bad since it was our first time. I am so thankful for the group of girls I ave played with this year. I’m going to miss playing with yous.We also got to compete in the Mixed Tournament in Week 10. My team came in second just loosing by 2 to Sylvia Park. That game was tough. In that team involved Roman,Bronson,Exodus,Petero,Luka,Kiarah,Cherish,Naomi,Kamryn and Ema. So proud of both teams I was in. 

We have also had some events that have happened. First one being CROSS COUNTRY. We hadn’t done Cross Country in 2 years so it was a huge deal to do it this year. At first I wasn’t excited, but in the end I’m glad I did it. We also had our school Art Expo. Which showcased all the things the school had been preparing. My favourite one would have to be the Team 4 Rappers. They had some funny lyrics and a good message overall about not bullying.

We have also had some special assemblies. Since there have been a lot of things happening. Such as language weeks. I was apart of Tongan Language Week. That assembly was probably my favourite. The performances were awesome. The final assembly for the term was also coo. Seeing the highlights were pretty cool to. I am so grateful for the team that I have worked with. They will always have some of my best memories. 

Tech is another thing that has happened. We switched classes midway through the term. I am in Mr Grundy’s Class. Which is Hard Materials. We have been making necklaces. Right now my one is up to the sanding stage. I am also making a knife,which I plan on giving to my uncle. 

Lastly having Mrs Stone back has been so fun. I have really enjoyed having her back. She has taught me new things in a fun way.Also having Miss Georgia who is our student teacher. She was done some pretty cool lesson with us. One of them being with raro! I can’t wait to see what Mrs Stone has in next for term 4.

So there you have it. My memories/highlights for this term. I am honestly really bummed out that the term has came to an end. I am still in disbelief that I have 1 more term until I go. I’m honestly not ready to go, but I am ready for the memories I make next term. It doesn’t feel real to me yet that I have 1 more term. Anyways I am really excited to see what is there to come in my last ever term at PES, I hope that it tops every single one of these terms.