Category: Hanga | Create

Should animals be kept in zoos?

This is my reading task for the week. I had to read a book and discus whether I agree with the statement or not. The statement was animals should be kept in zoos. I disagree with this statement because I believe animals should have freedom.My group also had to do a debate on this topic. What do you think about the statement?

Information report-Hippos

This is my information report on Hippos. As usual I had to research about the animal and focus on 3 topics. I have really enjoyed researching about Hippos because I got to learn new things. I hope that you learn something from this just like I did. ENJOY!

Did you know that hippo’s are almost bulletproof? They can also open their mouths up to 150 degrees. In this information report I will be talking about 3 topics. Which are their habitat/diet,their family life/conservation and facts. I hope that by the end of this piece, you learn something about this animal.

First up their habitat and diet. Hippo’s are herbivores. Which means they only eat things like grass,vegetables and melons sometimes.They can eat up to 88 pounds per night! Hippo’s are native to Africa, and are all over Sub Saharan Africa. In Africa you can find Hippos in slow moving lakes and rivers.

Up next is their family life and conservation. Hippo’s hang out in groups that consist of 10-30 Hippo’s. However the groups can go up to 200 Hippos.There is always 1 dominant male in the group. Hippos’ gestation period is 8 months. Which is just 1 month less from humans. The months they give birth the most are the wettest. The conservation status of Hippos are vulnerable and endangered. The 2 types of Hippos are the common and the Pygmy Hippos.

Now finally some facts. The name Hippo comes from the Greek name of Water Horse. These animals can also reach up to 19 miles per hour. Male Hippos weigh up to 4000 pounds, while the baby’s only reach up to 100 pounds or less. Did you know that Hippos are actually not good swimmers? In fact they can only spend up to 5 minutes underwater. They are also the 2nd largest land animal, and the 3rd heaviest.

So in conclusion Hippos are some pretty fascinating animals. From their habitat to even their family life, Hippos are interesting. I hope that by the end of this information report that you have learnt something new.

Extension Term 2 Project -History/Brainstorms

This is my extension project I will be working on this term. For this term we looked into the history of  NZ. We also had to choose topics to film a movie. My group is Kiarah,Elijah and Leonidas. For our movie we will be focusing on transportation and resources. The reason why we picked transportation was because back then NZ would of had many different types of transportation then we do how. One of the main ones being transporting on a waka. We also picked resources because the resources people would’ve had back in the days would have been way different to what we have now.

Information Report-North Korea!

This is my information report on North Korea. I had to research things about the country. I honestly had fun doing this because along the process I got to learn about this country. I really hope that you enjoy this piece of writing, and yes there are more information reports to come. ENJOY!


Did you know that North Korea and South Korea were 1 whole country at one time? Yes this is true. However we will only be focusing on North Korea. In this information report I will be talking about the culture/people,food and some facts on North Korea. I hope that by the end of this piece you will learn a thing or 2 about this country.

First up the culture and people of North Korea. In North Korea they have an ethical code.  Which they believe shows sincerity and loyalty. This code can be used while in a meeting, eating, praying or celebrating. By that the code can be shown by taking a bow. Which other languages don’t do.

Now up is food. North Korea has some pretty delicious cuisine. Some of the cuisines being Beef Rib Soup and Gray Mullet Soup. They also have some traditional dishes as well. Making rice and kimchi one of them. Also Soju Liquor.There is also a famous restaurant in Pyongyang named Okryu-gwan .Which one of there dishes is raengmyeon cold noodles. Some of North Korea’s main courses are Juk,Pulgogi and obviously noodles!

Finally some facts on this country. Can you believe that the population of the country is 26.03 million? North Korea is also in the continent of Asia. The currency they use is called NK won. Oh and their official language is Korean which obviously makes sense. They have an native animal called the Amur Leopard. Along with a president named Kim Jong-un.

That brings us to the end of the information report. To sum up everything that has been stated in this writing, North Korea is an awesome country! From their ethical code to the food they have over there. North Korea is a great place to be in. I hope that you have learnt something from this writing.

Ocean poster

This is my poster about the ocean. Today team 5 got slots to see Blake NZVR, which is a company that teaches things about the ocean and how we can protect them. They also have VR head sets which show different types of environment. We saw the waters at goat island and other places too. Including a birds eye view from the White island. Soon after we had to make a poster that included something around the ocean. Mine is about taking the amount of fish and kina you need. Not the amount you want because sometimes it gets wasted and causes over fishing. I really enjoyed making this poster and I learnt lots of things. Thank you to Lee and Grace who came over to teach us these things. ENJOY!

Information Report on Honduras

For this week’s writing my literacy class had to write an information report. It was about the country Honduras. I really enjoyed writing about this country, because I never have heard of it. So it was really interesting to research about the country. I hope that you learn something fro this just like I did. ENJOY!

Honduras, the country that is a part of the mesoamerican reef. Not much is really known about this country. However, by the time you finish reading this piece. You might learn a thing or 2 about this awesome country.


Honduras was first sighted by Europeans, when Christopher Columbus arrived at the Bay Islands. Which was very close to the island of Guanaja on 30 July 1502. On the 14th of August, 1502 Columbus landed on the mainland near modern Trujillo. Columbus named the country Honduras for the deep waters off its coast. Honduras became independent from Spain in 1821. However in 1822 it was joined with Mexico and 4 other nations. Which consist of  Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Yet the 5 central American nations broke away from Mexico in 1823. Honduras finally became completely independent in 1839.

Honduras is a very diverse country. Therefore having 90 percent of the population being Mesitizo. Which is a mix of European and Latin American. Honduras can also be split up into 4 regions. Those regions consist of the Pacific lowlands,eastern Caribbean lowlands,Northern coastal plains and mountains.They also have 2 main cities. Which is Toguaged (the capital) and San Pedro Sala.

Now for some facts. Did you know that the nickname for the country is The Banana Republic? Not only that, but the country also owns 1 of the oldest clocks in the world. Plus an interesting one is that it was the first country to ever ban smoking in their own houses. They also take soccer very seriously. Last one is that the country has the biggest wilderness area in Central America and the world’s largest barrier reef.

To sum up, everything that has been stated in this information report.It’s brief history, along with its culture/people are amazing. Also the cool facts about this country. Honduras is a pretty cool place. I hope you learned something from this.

Camp Reflection!

WOW! I can’t believe that Year 8 camp was last week. I had an AWESOME TIME.  I mean the fun activities we did and the Camp concert, Year 8 camp was overall a BLAST. Here are some of the things we got up to at Year 8 leadership camp. Along with some of my top highlights.

First of all before even going to the campsite we went to Parakai. Which is a swimming pool for those who don’t know. Even though I didn’t get to swim I still had a great time. I mean I had to make the most of the 3 HOURS we were there. Spending time with my friends at Parakai was fun. Not only that, but seeing everyone enjoying the time was also cool to see. My favourite part of being at Parakai was looking at the people swimming having battles. By that I mean people getting on other people’s shoulders and battling against others. I cheered on Lesieli & Paula who demolished the competition. 

One highlight of camp was getting to see the place and the cabins. In my cabin I had Kiarah,Ema,Lesieli,Latiana,Melelupe,Finau,Luka,Cherish & Jayla. I had an awesome time with those girls in my cabin. I remember the laughs we had and waking up in the middle of the night just to see everyone talking and standing in the middle of the room.

Oh and the place was amazing. We had our camp at Carey Park Christain Camp. Which had everything we needed. There was a big Gymnasisum, which had an upstairs area along with a park.Oh and before I forget to mention there was a lovely water area which had a little waterfall. It was the place to calm down or the place where you just wanted peace. There was also a dining hall that came along with some pretty delicious food.  

Now for one of my top highlight CAMP CONCERT. OMG! Camp concert was lit. Seeing everyone perform their chants and items were cool to see. The teams we had was  WWW (Dub,dub,dub),Waitakarei,Henderson and Westside. I was in Westside along with Ema,Latiana,Lesieli,Jade,Exodus,Toks,Israel,Gabriel,Zecariah,Sheldon,Witari,Mr Moran and Tyson. Which is also the WINNING TEAM of the night. Yep, thats right Westside won Camp concert. However I was still very entertained by the other groups. Honestly my favourite performance was Henderson’s. It was really strange, but really entertaining at the same time. Apparently it was synchronised swimming going along with the beauty and the beast song.

Also the EPIC dance off that happened was the best part of the camp concert in my opinion. We had to choose the 2 best dancers of each group to compete in the dance off. For my team we choose Exodus and Lesieli. My team and I were screaming and cheering for them as they got up and in all honesty Exodus stole the show. I mean he was doing all these crazy and funny dance moves which made the crowd go WILD!  Even though he didn’t make it to the finals we still had Lesieli in the game. Who KILLED IT she was whipping her hair everywhere and even did the splits at one point. 

Now for my second highlight. The activities we did were not only fun, but really cool as well. My group got to do the flying fox first. Initially I thought that it was a normal flying fox where you just sit on the seat and go, but I was wrong. We had to get all harnessed up to go on it. I was the 3rd person to go on it and I had a blast. If I’m being honest I was quite scared at the beginning, but once I went off I really enjoyed it. Soon after we did archery,air riflies,rock climbing and crate stacking. Unfortunately we couldn’t do the confidence course due to the weather, but it was still fun doing the others. In my opinion my top activity would be crate stacking. I got up to 8 crates, which was higher than I thought I would get. However my favourite part of crate stacking was seeing Mr Wiseman and Mr Moran go against each other. Of course we got this on video and what do you know Mr Wiseman beat Mr Moran by 2 crates. The score was 7 to 9.

We even had 2 fun games, that the people at Carey Park hosted. The first was rainbow tag and the second was top teams. Out of the 2 my favourite would have to be the rainbow tag one. The aim of the game was to find all four colours and get back to the area where we started, but the trick was that the teachers were hiding around the whole campsite with the colours we needed. There were also bad people who had towels and if you got hit with one all of the colours you got were erased and you’d have to start all over again.I remeber running away from Mr Moran who was trying to throw the towel at me and I dodged it. As everyone was looking for the colours no one seemed to find Mr Wiseman. Who I believe had the colour white. As time went on the siren rang and we all had to head back up to the area we all started at. Now looking around I saw that no one had found Mr Wiseman which meant that the teachers won and the students lost. Mr Wiseman was really smart. He hid in the confidence course, but had a green jacket that matched the leaves and was just crotched down having some leaves on top of him,which made him blend in.

Some there you have it. These are some of my highlights and what we got up to at camp. I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the teachers who came along and a special one to Ms Flavelle who organised everything. Also a huge THANK YOU to the staff at Carey Park for letting us stay over for the week. I am still really sad that the camp has ended but I’m really happy about the fun memories I made over there. I really hope that Team 5 or just the year 8’s could have something like this happen again in the near future.

Maungarei Drawing

Last week  in extension we had to think hard about what we thought Maungarei would look like back then. We first got to see a photo of Maungarei and Miss West then told us what she thought it would look like back then. We also thought about the types of transportation they used back then. The main one being waka’s. Here is my interpretation of what I thought I would look like. The first thing that popped into my head was bushes and trees surrounding the area along with a pond. Huts and house was something that came to my mind as well.I really enjoyed doing this, because it got me thinking of what things look like in the olden days.