Category: Hanga | Create

Willow Park

Yesterday all of Team 5 got the opportunity to go on a trip. Where exactly? Well we got to go to Willow Park. The bus ride wasn’t that long considering it was only 15 minutes. Anyways as soon as everyone got to have some free time, everyone ran in different directions. Some ran to the Rimu Room (gaming room),Rec Centre,Playground,Mini Gym or just sit and talk. I had some fun at the Rimu Room with my friends. We also went to the beach for 1 hour. I didn’t want to swim, but I did get to chat a lot with my friends. My highlight of the trip would have to be spending some quality time with my friends. Also playing Volleyball in the Rec Centre. I really hope we get to go on another fun trip like this one. A huge THANK YOU to the owners for letting this happen.

Inquiry Space Poster

This is my inquiry poster for space. This week team 5 has been learning about being responsible with our mouths,bodies and space. We then got to choose 1 of those topics and make a poster about it. This is my poster. As you can see I did space. In my poster it shows what your space should look like compared to what it shouldn’t. Enjoy!

Punctuation Task

This is my second writing task. It was about punctuation. I had to rewrite lines and circle out things. I had to do capital letters, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes and possessive nouns. I actually learnt a lot of new things. even things I didn’t even know. I hope I get to learn something like this sometime next week. I hope you enjoy!

Forearm Investigation

Today in Math’s class we had a forearm investigation. The whole class had to write there forearm span on the board. We then had to use that as our data for the task. We put it into groups and answered some questions. I thought that this task was enjoyable. I had lots of fun knowing my classmates forearm spans. Hope you enjoy!

Nepal & New Zealand Differences and Similarities

Task Description:

2 days ago my class and I watched a documentary about the most dangerous way to get to school. It was about students getting to school in Nepal. The only only thing is that the way they take is dangerous. It takes them over 2 hours to get to school. Here is the differences and similarity that NZ and Nepal have.